Protac SF® on aphids on Highbush Blueberries ‘Bluecrop’
Motile forms of Myzus persicae after one treatment
Dosage 0,15%
500L water/ha
One treatment
Application date 07/07/2020
65,5% RH, 18,1ºC
Protac SF on Myzus persicae
*Calculations based on Abbot’s formula
Tetranychus urticae on Raspberry 'Polka'
Two spotted spider mite on Raspberry 'Polka'
* Days after second treatment
Efficacy of Protac SF® on Tetranychus urticae on Raspberry
Poland, 2017
Protac SF®, 0,15%,
2 applications, 10D between applications
Evaluation: Number of mites and efficacy (Henderson Tilton formula)
* Days after second treatment
Spider mites on Strawberries ‘Malwina’
Effect of Protac SF® on number of spider mites Tetranychus urticae
Poland, 2021
2 treatments,
Protac SF® 0,15%, 750L/ha water
2 treatments 18.07; 25.07, less than 60% RH
Spider mite, Tetranychus urticae
Protac SF® efficiency on spider mites
*Efficiency calculated with the Abbott formula
Spider mites on Strawberries ‘Honeoye’
Effect of Protac SF® and Fenproxymate on number of spider mites Tetranychus urticae
Poland, 2013
1 treatment, 16th of June 2013
Protac SF® 0,2%, 500L/ha water
Fenproxymate, 5%
Henderson Tilton formula for efficacy
Spider mite, Tetranychus urticae
Efficiency of Protac SF® treatments vs Fenproximate on spider mites
*Henderson Tilton formula for efficacy